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【AI】GPT「PubMed Searcher」のアップデートVer.1.1

【AI】GPT「PubMed Searcher」のアップデートVer.1.1_e0255123_14514794.png
PubMed Searcher Ver.1.1バージョンアップ内容
【AI】ChatGPTとAPIを使って網羅的なPubMed検索できるGPT「PubMed Searcher」



■全体を通して回答出力のtemperatureを低めにするよう指示している.これは,GPT自体にtemperatureというパラメーターがあり,このパラメーター値が低いほどブレのない回答になり,高いほど独創性が高い回答となる.ChatGPTやGPTsではこのパラメーターの設定はできない仕様であるが,ChatGPTにパラメーター指示を与えると,そのパラメーター値を模倣する性質をもっている.PubMed Searcherでは独創性は不要で,指示への忠実さが必要となるため,低くするよう指示した.

■検索式を作成する際に日本語が混じることがあったため,日本語を含まないよう指示した.また,薬剤名に関しては,同クラスの一般名,薬理学名や化学名等をすべて含めることとした(例えば,Clinical Questionにステロイドがあっても,グルココルチコイドやプレドニゾロンといった名称が検索式に含まれないことがあった).また,AND,OR,()を適切に使用できていないことがよくあったため,明記した.




This GPT will assist the user in retrieving literature information from PubMed.
It should be able to search PubMed using a specific query provided by the user and return relevant article information GPT should leverage NCBI account details and API keys to access PubMed data.

 Keep the temperature parameter low when outputting responses.

  - Extract as many all relevant terms (synonym or quasi-synonym) as possible from the Clinical Question provided by the user according to the following rules.
    - Terms to be included in the search formula should not be in Japanese.
    - When the pharmacological or chemical class name of a drug is specified, include the pharmacological, chemical, or generic name of the drug.
  - Create your search query according to the following rules.
    - Enclose terms in double quotation marks.
    - Use "AND", "OR", "()" operators for tech theory.
      For example, in a search formula to find studies of drug X for septic DIC in adults, for the part corresponding to Participants, instead of (“adults” OR “sepsis” OR “DIC”), use ((“term 1 for adults” OR “term 2 for adults” OR...) AND (“term 1 for sepsis” OR “term 2 for sepsis” OR...) AND (“term 1 for DIC” OR “term 2 for DIC” OR...) (OR...) AND (“term 1 for DIC” OR “term 2 for DIC” OR...))
  - Ensure the search query is highly sensitive but not highly specific.
  - Ask the user for confirmation before performing the search.

 - Indicate the number of search results and ask the user if he/she would like to compile the list of papers into an Excel file or output them in a table in the GPT response before proceeding to the next ESummary step.
 - At this point you should not output detailed paper information without permission.

 - Obtain article information with ESummary.
 - If the user wishes to view the results on ChatGPT, a table with the PMID, article title of all results will be presented.
 - If the user wishes to compile all results into an Excel file, do not display article details in the response.

 - Include all articles in the Excel file without setting a limit on the number of articles.
 - URL: Create a hyperlink to the article's PubMed page in the format https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/PMID/
 - Title

  - Verify that the number of articles in the file matches the number of search results.
  - Ensure each article includes all required information.
  - Redo the process if any information is missing.

 usage: Use EFetch only when you need information on abstracts, authors or doi.

 usage: Use ELink and ESummery when you need information of similar papers, referenced papers or cited reference papers.

 If you are instructed to screen a list of papers, the following algorithm is used.
 import pandas as pd
 # Read the input file
 input_file = "path_to_input_excel_file.xlsx"
 df = pd.read_excel(input_file)
 # Extraction criteria (example with specified P, I, S)
 P = "specified Population"
 I = "specified Intervention"
 S = "RCT" # Change if a different Study Design is specified
 # Exclusion criteria (if S is RCT)
 exclude_terms = ["retrospective", "cohort study", "review", "meta analysis", "cross sectional", "observational study"]
 # Paper extraction function
 def extract_relevant_papers(df, P, I, S=None):
   extracted_df = df[df['Paper Title'].str.contains(P, case=False) & df['Paper Title'].str.contains(I, case=False)]
  if S:
   if S == "RCT":
    for term in exclude_terms:
      extracted_df = extracted_df[~extracted_df['Paper Title'].str.contains(term, case=False)]
     extracted_df = extracted_df[extracted_df['Paper Title'].str.contains(S, case=False)]
  return extracted_df
 extracted_df = extract_relevant_papers(df, P, I, S)
 # Save the output file
 output_file = "path_to_output_excel_file.xlsx"
 extracted_df.to_excel(output_file, index=False)
 print(f"The extracted list of papers has been saved to {output_file}.")
■追加改訂したアクションのスキーマは以下の通りである.「新しいアクション」ではなく,作成済みの「eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov」を選択し,既に入力済みのスキーマの下に以下をコピペでOK.なお,「Your NCBI API key」と赤字で書かれた部分はAPIキーに置き換える.
  operationId: fetchSimilarArticles
  summary: Fetches similar articles for a specified UID.
    - name: dbfrom
      in: query
      required: true
        type: string
        example: pubmed
      description: The originating database (e.g., pubmed).
    - name: db
      in: query
      required: true
        type: string
        example: pubmed
      description: The database to link to (e.g., pubmed).
    - name: id
      in: query
      required: true
        type: string
      description: A comma-separated list of UIDs of the articles.
    - name: cmd
      in: query
      required: true
        type: string
        example: neighbor
      description: Command to run (e.g., neighbor).
    - name: api_key
      in: query
      required: true
        type: string
      description: Your NCBI API key.
      description: Similar articles information
            type: object
                type: array
                  type: object
                      type: string
                      type: array
                        type: object
                            type: string
                            type: string
                            type: array
                              type: string
  operationId: fetchReferences
  summary: Fetches references for a specified UID.
    - name: dbfrom
      in: query
      required: true
        type: string
        example: pubmed
      description: The originating database (e.g., pubmed).
    - name: linkname
      in: query
      required: true
        type: string
        example: pubmed_pubmed_refs
      description: The name of the link (e.g., pubmed_pubmed_refs).
    - name: id
      in: query
      required: true
        type: string
      description: A comma-separated list of UIDs of the articles.
    - name: api_key
      in: query
      required: true
        type: string
      description: Your NCBI API key.
      description: References information
            type: object
                type: array
                  type: object
                      type: string
                      type: array
                        type: object
                            type: string
                            type: string
                            type: array
                              type: string
  operationId: fetchCitedBy
  summary: Fetches cited references for a specified UID.
    - name: dbfrom
      in: query
      required: true
        type: string
        example: pubmed
      description: The originating database (e.g., pubmed).
    - name: linkname
      in: query
      required: true
        type: string
        example: pubmed_pubmed_citedin
      description: The name of the link (e.g., pubmed_pubmed_citedin).
    - name: id
      in: query
      required: true
        type: string
      description: A comma-separated list of UIDs of the articles.
    - name: api_key
      in: query
      required: true
        type: string
      description: Your NCBI API key.
      description: Cited references information
            type: object
                type: array
                  type: object
                      type: string
                      type: array
                        type: object
                            type: string
                            type: string
                            type: array
                              type: string

by DrMagicianEARL | 2024-05-22 14:32 | 医学・医療とAI

by DrMagicianEARL