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【AI/無料で使用可能】論文/学会の抄録作成自動化・書き方学習GPT(Abstract Creator and Teacher GPT)_e0255123_14444418.png
■論文や学会のタイトル・抄録(Abstract)は,その研究の顔ともいえる重要な部分であるが,これをうまくまとめるには,基本ルールの習得と慣れが必要である.今回,NEJM(the New England Journal of Medicine)風の抄録を作成できる,もしくは抄録の作成方法を学べるGPTs「Abstract Creator and Teacher GPT」を筆者が作成したので公開する.このGPTsは,URLベースで公開しているため,ChatGPT無料ユーザーでも使用可能である
Abstract Creator and Teacher GPT








2.Abstract Creator and Teacher GPTの機能



■本GPTはNEJMの抄録の特性と抄録作成の基本ルールに則った抄録作成をベースとするが,勿論,研究デザイン,構成,文字数をプロンプトで指示することでカスタマイズすることも可能である.文字数制限に関してはCode Interpreter(Advanced Data Analysis)で確認するよう指示しているため,単なるプロンプト指示よりも正確である.





2024年5月25日 OpenAI
# by DrMagicianEARL | 2024-05-27 14:46 | 医学・医療とAI
【AI】GPT「PubMed Searcher」のアップデートVer.1.1_e0255123_14514794.png
PubMed Searcher Ver.1.1バージョンアップ内容
【AI】ChatGPTとAPIを使って網羅的なPubMed検索できるGPT「PubMed Searcher」



■全体を通して回答出力のtemperatureを低めにするよう指示している.これは,GPT自体にtemperatureというパラメーターがあり,このパラメーター値が低いほどブレのない回答になり,高いほど独創性が高い回答となる.ChatGPTやGPTsではこのパラメーターの設定はできない仕様であるが,ChatGPTにパラメーター指示を与えると,そのパラメーター値を模倣する性質をもっている.PubMed Searcherでは独創性は不要で,指示への忠実さが必要となるため,低くするよう指示した.

■検索式を作成する際に日本語が混じることがあったため,日本語を含まないよう指示した.また,薬剤名に関しては,同クラスの一般名,薬理学名や化学名等をすべて含めることとした(例えば,Clinical Questionにステロイドがあっても,グルココルチコイドやプレドニゾロンといった名称が検索式に含まれないことがあった).また,AND,OR,()を適切に使用できていないことがよくあったため,明記した.




This GPT will assist the user in retrieving literature information from PubMed.
It should be able to search PubMed using a specific query provided by the user and return relevant article information GPT should leverage NCBI account details and API keys to access PubMed data.

 Keep the temperature parameter low when outputting responses.

  - Extract as many all relevant terms (synonym or quasi-synonym) as possible from the Clinical Question provided by the user according to the following rules.
    - Terms to be included in the search formula should not be in Japanese.
    - When the pharmacological or chemical class name of a drug is specified, include the pharmacological, chemical, or generic name of the drug.
  - Create your search query according to the following rules.
    - Enclose terms in double quotation marks.
    - Use "AND", "OR", "()" operators for tech theory.
      For example, in a search formula to find studies of drug X for septic DIC in adults, for the part corresponding to Participants, instead of (“adults” OR “sepsis” OR “DIC”), use ((“term 1 for adults” OR “term 2 for adults” OR...) AND (“term 1 for sepsis” OR “term 2 for sepsis” OR...) AND (“term 1 for DIC” OR “term 2 for DIC” OR...) (OR...) AND (“term 1 for DIC” OR “term 2 for DIC” OR...))
  - Ensure the search query is highly sensitive but not highly specific.
  - Ask the user for confirmation before performing the search.

 - Indicate the number of search results and ask the user if he/she would like to compile the list of papers into an Excel file or output them in a table in the GPT response before proceeding to the next ESummary step.
 - At this point you should not output detailed paper information without permission.

 - Obtain article information with ESummary.
 - If the user wishes to view the results on ChatGPT, a table with the PMID, article title of all results will be presented.
 - If the user wishes to compile all results into an Excel file, do not display article details in the response.

 - Include all articles in the Excel file without setting a limit on the number of articles.
 - URL: Create a hyperlink to the article's PubMed page in the format https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/PMID/
 - Title

  - Verify that the number of articles in the file matches the number of search results.
  - Ensure each article includes all required information.
  - Redo the process if any information is missing.

 usage: Use EFetch only when you need information on abstracts, authors or doi.

 usage: Use ELink and ESummery when you need information of similar papers, referenced papers or cited reference papers.

 If you are instructed to screen a list of papers, the following algorithm is used.
 import pandas as pd
 # Read the input file
 input_file = "path_to_input_excel_file.xlsx"
 df = pd.read_excel(input_file)
 # Extraction criteria (example with specified P, I, S)
 P = "specified Population"
 I = "specified Intervention"
 S = "RCT" # Change if a different Study Design is specified
 # Exclusion criteria (if S is RCT)
 exclude_terms = ["retrospective", "cohort study", "review", "meta analysis", "cross sectional", "observational study"]
 # Paper extraction function
 def extract_relevant_papers(df, P, I, S=None):
   extracted_df = df[df['Paper Title'].str.contains(P, case=False) & df['Paper Title'].str.contains(I, case=False)]
  if S:
   if S == "RCT":
    for term in exclude_terms:
      extracted_df = extracted_df[~extracted_df['Paper Title'].str.contains(term, case=False)]
     extracted_df = extracted_df[extracted_df['Paper Title'].str.contains(S, case=False)]
  return extracted_df
 extracted_df = extract_relevant_papers(df, P, I, S)
 # Save the output file
 output_file = "path_to_output_excel_file.xlsx"
 extracted_df.to_excel(output_file, index=False)
 print(f"The extracted list of papers has been saved to {output_file}.")
■追加改訂したアクションのスキーマは以下の通りである.「新しいアクション」ではなく,作成済みの「eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov」を選択し,既に入力済みのスキーマの下に以下をコピペでOK.なお,「Your NCBI API key」と赤字で書かれた部分はAPIキーに置き換える.
  operationId: fetchSimilarArticles
  summary: Fetches similar articles for a specified UID.
    - name: dbfrom
      in: query
      required: true
        type: string
        example: pubmed
      description: The originating database (e.g., pubmed).
    - name: db
      in: query
      required: true
        type: string
        example: pubmed
      description: The database to link to (e.g., pubmed).
    - name: id
      in: query
      required: true
        type: string
      description: A comma-separated list of UIDs of the articles.
    - name: cmd
      in: query
      required: true
        type: string
        example: neighbor
      description: Command to run (e.g., neighbor).
    - name: api_key
      in: query
      required: true
        type: string
      description: Your NCBI API key.
      description: Similar articles information
            type: object
                type: array
                  type: object
                      type: string
                      type: array
                        type: object
                            type: string
                            type: string
                            type: array
                              type: string
  operationId: fetchReferences
  summary: Fetches references for a specified UID.
    - name: dbfrom
      in: query
      required: true
        type: string
        example: pubmed
      description: The originating database (e.g., pubmed).
    - name: linkname
      in: query
      required: true
        type: string
        example: pubmed_pubmed_refs
      description: The name of the link (e.g., pubmed_pubmed_refs).
    - name: id
      in: query
      required: true
        type: string
      description: A comma-separated list of UIDs of the articles.
    - name: api_key
      in: query
      required: true
        type: string
      description: Your NCBI API key.
      description: References information
            type: object
                type: array
                  type: object
                      type: string
                      type: array
                        type: object
                            type: string
                            type: string
                            type: array
                              type: string
  operationId: fetchCitedBy
  summary: Fetches cited references for a specified UID.
    - name: dbfrom
      in: query
      required: true
        type: string
        example: pubmed
      description: The originating database (e.g., pubmed).
    - name: linkname
      in: query
      required: true
        type: string
        example: pubmed_pubmed_citedin
      description: The name of the link (e.g., pubmed_pubmed_citedin).
    - name: id
      in: query
      required: true
        type: string
      description: A comma-separated list of UIDs of the articles.
    - name: api_key
      in: query
      required: true
        type: string
      description: Your NCBI API key.
      description: Cited references information
            type: object
                type: array
                  type: object
                      type: string
                      type: array
                        type: object
                            type: string
                            type: string
                            type: array
                              type: string

# by DrMagicianEARL | 2024-05-22 14:32 | 医学・医療とAI
GPT “PubMed Searcher” for exhaustive PubMed searches using ChatGPT and API._e0255123_16055578.png
Although there are some useful AI programs such as Consensus, Elicit, and Perplexity, they are not perfect and manual PubMed search is still the most exhaustive and accurate. If ChatGPT directly handles the PubMed database and its search function, it is possible to perform exhaustive searches easily while maintaining the accuracy of manual searches, and to file the search results, extract articles, and provide commentaries on the ChatGPT user interface.

ChatGPT is equipped with a web access function using Bing, but it is better to prompt the user to use a specific article search engine when searching for articles on ChatGPT. However, ChatGPT does not load the PubMed site well, and the following problems are likely to occur.
Halcination occurs when PubMed search results are not loaded (false results are displayed).
The abstract page of an article does not load properly.
Only one page of the article search results can be read.
This happens because of the following

(1) Dynamic content
The PubMed website often dynamically generates content and uses JavaScript to display information. This makes it difficult for web scraping tools to accurately retrieve information.

(2) Complexity of page structure
The structure of PubMed web pages is complex, involving many links and database queries. This can make it difficult to extract specific information accurately.

(3) Limitations and defensesPubMed has restrictions and safeguards to prevent excessive access by automated tools, which may limit the retrieval of information.

Therefore, you can avoid such problems by retrieving information via the API instead of accessing the PubMed site. In the following, I introduce a GPT “PubMed Searcher” that retrieves PubMed search results via API.

1. How GPT "PubMed Searcher" works

Paid users of ChatGPT (Plus members: $20/month subscription) can create their own personal bot, GPT. You can create a PubMed Searcher with this GPT (Since an individual API key is required, this service is not open to others and can only be used by the user). In addition, PubMed releases its API free of charge (strictly speaking, you can specify PubMed as a parameter for selecting a database for Entrez's API provided by NCBI). API is an abbreviation for Application Programming Interface, which is an interface for software to communicate with each other. API stands for Application Programming Interface, and is an interface for software to communicate with each other, and is a so-called “key for exchanging information”. The API allows ChatGPT to access the PubMed database directly and pull article information.

The PubMed API requires an account with NCBI and your own API key. In other words, even if you create this GPT, you must not allow others to use it, and it is for your own use only. For this reason, the PubMed Searcher you have created is not available in the GPT store, and you must create it yourself. However, it is not so difficult to create a PubMed Searcher by following the procedure below, and you can do it from your smart phone.

2. Procedure for creating GPT "PubMed Searcher"

(1) Create an ncbi account
First, access the following URL to create an ncbi account.
(2) Obtain an API key
After obtaining an account, access the following account setup page and obtain an API key from the API Key Management section at the bottom of the page. This API key is for your own use only and should not be disclosed to others.
(3) Creating a GPT
Access the web version of ChatGPT, click “Explore GPTs” on the left bar, and then click "+ Create" on the upper right to open the GPT builder. Select "Configure" in the middle of the top bar, and set as follows:
- Icon image: You can set any image you like, or ask DALL-E3 to generate an image for you.
- Name: Set any name you like (e.g., PubMed Searcher).
- Description: A short description that is displayed when GPT is opened. Put any description you like (e.g., "This GPT is intended for exhaustive searches in PubMed").
- Instructions: Copy and paste the following (instructions are given using YAML to improve accuracy where structured information needs to be provided).
This GPT will assist the user in retrieving literature information from PubMed. It should be able to search PubMed using a specific query provided by the user and return relevant article information GPT should leverage NCBI account details and API keys to access PubMed data.

Keep in mind throughout
    - Follow the chain-of-thought process to carefully execute the task step-by-step.
    - Before outputting your response in Task Enforcement, make sure that you have properly followed the GPT's prompt before responding, and if not, revise your response accordingly.

Clinical Questionへの対応:
    - Extract as many all relevant terms (synonym or quasi-synonym) as possible from the Clinical Question provided by the user according to the following rules.
        - Terms to be included in the search formula should not be in Japanese.
        - When the pharmacological or chemical class name of a drug is specified, include the pharmacological, chemical, or generic name of the drug.
    - Create your search query according to the following rules.
        - Enclose terms in double quotation marks.
        - Use AND, OR operators for tech theory.
    - Ensure the search query is highly sensitive but not highly specific.
    - Ask the user for confirmation before performing the search.

    - Indicate the number of results found.
    - If ESearch results exceed 3, do not display article details in the response.
    - Use ESummary to compile all results into an Excel file.
    - Include all articles in the Excel file without setting a limit on the number of articles.

    - PMID
    - URL: Create a hyperlink to the article's PubMed page in the format https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/PMID/
    - Title

    - Verify that the number of articles in the file matches the number of search results.
    - Ensure each article includes all required information.
    - Redo the process if any information is missing.

  usage: Use EFetch only when you need information on abstracts, authors or doi.

  usage: Use ELink when you need information of similar papers, referenced papers or cited referenced papers.
- Conversation starters: No special setting required.
- Knowledge: No special settings required.
- Capabilities: Check "Web Reference" and "Code Interpreter".
- Actions: Click "Create new action" and copy and paste the following into the "Schema" field
openapi: 3.0.0
  title: PubMed API
  description: API to search and retrieve literature from PubMed using esearch, esummary, and efetch endpoints.
  version: 1.0.0
  - url: https://eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils
    description: NCBI E-utilities server
      operationId: searchLiterature
      summary: Searches for literature in PubMed.
        - name: db
          in: query
          required: true
            type: string
          description: The database to search (e.g., pubmed).
        - name: term
          in: query
          required: true
            type: string
          description: The search term(s).
        - name: retmax
          in: query
          required: false
            type: integer
          description: The maximum number of results to return.
        - name: retmode
          in: query
          required: false
            type: string
          description: The return mode (e.g., xml, json).
        - name: api_key
          in: query
          required: true
            type: string
          description: Your NCBI API key.
        description: Search results
              type: object
                  type: integer
                  type: integer
                  type: integer
                  type: array
                    type: string
      operationId: getSummary
      summary: Retrieves the summary of literature based on search results.
        - name: db
          in: query
          required: true
            type: string
          description: The database to search (e.g., pubmed).
        - name: id
          in: query
          required: true
            type: string
          description: A comma-separated list of UIDs of the articles.
        - name: retmode
          in: query
          required: false
            type: string
          description: The return mode (e.g., xml, json).
        - name: api_key
          in: query
          required: true
            type: string
          description: Your NCBI API key.
        description: Summary details of the search results
              type: object
                  type: string
                  type: string
                  type: string
                  type: string
                  type: array
                    type: string
                  type: string
                  type: string
                  type: string
                  type: string
      operationId: fetchDetails
      summary: Fetches the details including abstracts for specified UIDs.
        - name: db
          in: query
          required: true
            type: string
          description: The database to search (e.g., pubmed).
        - name: id
          in: query
          required: true
            type: string
          description: A comma-separated list of UIDs of the articles.
        - name: rettype
          in: query
          required: false
            type: string
          description: The return type (e.g., abstract).
        - name: retmode
          in: query
          required: false
            type: string
          description: The return mode (e.g., xml, text).
        - name: api_key
          in: query
          required: true
            type: string
          description: Your NCBI API key.
        description: Detailed information including abstracts
              type: string
    operationId: fetchSimilarArticles
    summary: Fetches similar articles for a specified UID.
      - name: dbfrom
        in: query
        required: true
          type: string
        description: The originating database (e.g., pubmed).
      - name: db
        in: query
        required: true
          type: string
        description: The database to link to (e.g., pubmed).
      - name: id
        in: query
        required: true
          type: string
        description: A comma-separated list of UIDs of the articles.
      - name: cmd
        in: query
        required: true
          type: string
        description: Command to run (e.g., neighbor).
      - name: api_key
        in: query
        required: true
          type: string
        description: Your NCBI API Key.
        description: Similar articles information
              type: string

    operationId: fetchReferences
    summary: Fetches references for a specified UID.
      - name: dbfrom
        in: query
        required: true
          type: string
        description: The originating database (e.g., pubmed).
      - name: linkname
        in: query
        required: true
          type: string
        description: The name of the link (e.g., pubmed_pubmed_refs).
      - name: id
        in: query
        required: true
          type: string
        description: A comma-separated list of UIDs of the articles.
      - name: api_key
        in: query
        required: true
          type: string
        description: Your NCBI API Key.
        description: References information
              type: string

    operationId: fetchCitedBy
    summary: Fetches cited references for a specified UID.
      - name: dbfrom
        in: query
        required: true
          type: string
        description: The originating database (e.g., pubmed).
      - name: linkname
        in: query
        required: true
          type: string
        description: The name of the link (e.g., pubmed_pubmed_citedin).
      - name: id
        in: query
        required: true
          type: string
        description: A comma-separated list of UIDs of the articles.
      - name: api_key
        in: query
        required: true
          type: string
        description: Your NCBI API Key.
        description: Cited references information
              type: string
- In the copied and pasted schema, there are three places where "Your NCBI API Key." is written (shown in red in the box above), so replace those places with the API key you obtained.
- Click "Create" in the upper right corner. Set the disclosure range to "only me".

3. What you can do with GPT “PubMed Researcher

This GPT allows you to do the following by the above instructions.

(1) Generate PubMed search formulas according to Clinical Question
Generate an exhaustive PubMed search formula according to the Clinical Question (or any other question) you ask. To enable exhaustive searches, as many synonyms as possible for each term are added to the search formula, resulting in a search formula with high sensitivity and low specificity. At the end of the answer, you will be asked, "Can I use this search formula to search PubMed?" If you need to modify the formula, you can tell the modifications there.
GPT “PubMed Searcher” for exhaustive PubMed searches using ChatGPT and API._e0255123_16070099.png
(2) Search using ESearch
When a PubMed search is ordered, GPT first uses an API key to obtain the PMIDs of articles that have been hit as search results in ESearch. This obtains the number of hits and PMIDs of the articles. In this case, the response is "X papers hit". Based on this PMID, more detailed information on each paper can be obtained from ESummary and EFetch.

(3) Obtaining article information using ESummary
ESummary can obtain information on the title of an article, the journal in which the article is published, the year, volume number, and page number. Using this ESummary, we can obtain the article information from the PMID of the article obtained from ESearch in (2). However, because a considerable number of papers may be hit in an exhaustive search, and because of the limitation of GPT's response output, the number of papers is set to be automatically compiled into an Excel file using Advanced Data Analysis (formerly Code Interpreter) when the number of papers is four or more (this number can be changed). The information presented in the Excel file is the PMID, a link to the abstract of the article in PubMed, and the title of the article (if you include the journal name, etc., the system cannot process the file and times out). Due to ChatGPT's processing limitations, it is recommended to limit the number of articles that can be retrieved to about 200 at the most. If the number of papers is to be kept below this number, it is necessary to increase the specificity of the search formula.
GPT “PubMed Searcher” for exhaustive PubMed searches using ChatGPT and API._e0255123_16542303.png
As an application, you can instruct GPT to extract from this Excel file only the papers with titles that suit your purpose and re-file them (however, ChatGPT is not good at the task of “selection” and its extraction accuracy is high in sensitivity and low in specificity).

(4) Retrieving article abstracts using EFetch
EFetch can retrieve more detailed information on articles, including abstracts and doi. This makes it possible to directly ask GPT to explain the contents of abstracts.
GPT “PubMed Searcher” for exhaustive PubMed searches using ChatGPT and API._e0255123_16531339.png
(5) Obtaining similar articles, referenced articles, and cited reference articles
ELink can also be used to obtain information on similar articles, referenced articles, and cited reference articles for a particular paper. Note, however, that this information is not available for papers that are quite recent in PubMed.

# by DrMagicianEARL | 2024-05-20 16:12





■そこで,PubMedのサイトにアクセスするのではなく,API経由で情報を取得するようにすればこのようなトラブルを回避することができる.以下では,API経由でPubMed検索結果を取得するGPT「PubMed Searcher」を筆者が作ったので紹介する

1.GPT「PubMed Searcher」の仕組み

■ChatGPTの有料ユーザー(Plus会員:月$20のサブスクリプション)は,自分専用のbotであるGPTを作成することができる.このGPTでPubMed Searcherを作成する(個別にAPIキーが必要となるため,他者には公開せず自分のみの使用となる).また,PubMedはAPIを無料公開している(厳密にはNCBIが提供するEntrezのAPIのデータベースを選択するパラメータとしてPubMedを指定できる).APIはApplication Programming Interfaceの略で,ソフトウェア同士が通信するためのインターフェースであり,いわゆる「情報をやりとりするための鍵」である.このAPIを用いてPubMedのデータベースにChatGPTが直接アクセスして論文情報を引っ張ってくることができる.

■PubMedのAPIはNCBIにアカウントを作成した上で,自分だけのAPIキーを入手する必要がある.つまり,このGPTを作成しても他人が使用することは避けなければならず,自分だけが使用するものである.このため,作成したPubMed SearcherがGPT storeに置かれているわけではなく,各自で作成しなければならない.といっても,筆者が作成した以下の手順通りやれば作成できるので,さほど難しくはなく,スマホからも作成可能である.

2.GPT「PubMed Searcher」を作成する手順

■アカウントを取得したら,以下のアカウント設定ページにアクセスし,一番下にあるAPI Key ManagementにあるAPIキーを取得する.このAPIキーは自分だけのものなので他人に公開しないこと.
■ウェブ版のChatGPTにアクセスし,左側のバーから「GPTを探す(GPT explore)」をクリックし,右上の「+作成する」をクリックするとGPT builderが立ち上がる.一番上のバーで真ん中の「構成」を選択し,以下のように設定する.

名前:好きな名前に設定する(例:PubMed Researcher)

Clinical Questionへの対応:
    - Extract as many all relevant terms (synonym or quasi-synonym) as possible from the Clinical Question provided by the user.
    - Create a PubMed search query using these terms, enclosed in double quotes.
    - Ensure the search query is highly sensitive but not highly specific.
    - Ask the user for confirmation before performing the search.

    - Indicate the number of results found.
    - If ESearch results exceed 3, do not display article details in the response.
    - Use ESummary to compile all results into an Excel file.
    - Include all articles in the Excel file without setting a limit on the number of articles.

    - PMID
    - URL: Create a hyperlink to the article's PubMed page in the format https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/PMID/
    - Title

    - Verify that the number of articles in the file matches the number of search results.
    - Ensure each article includes all required information.
    - Redo the process if any information is missing.

  usage: Use EFetch only when abstract information is needed.
openapi: 3.0.0
  title: PubMed API
  description: API to search and retrieve literature from PubMed using esearch, esummary, and efetch endpoints.
  version: 1.0.0
  - url: https://eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils
    description: NCBI E-utilities server
      operationId: searchLiterature
      summary: Searches for literature in PubMed.
        - name: db
          in: query
          required: true
            type: string
          description: The database to search (e.g., pubmed).
        - name: term
          in: query
          required: true
            type: string
          description: The search term(s).
        - name: retmax
          in: query
          required: false
            type: integer
          description: The maximum number of results to return.
        - name: retmode
          in: query
          required: false
            type: string
          description: The return mode (e.g., xml, json).
        - name: api_key
          in: query
          required: true
            type: string
          description: Your NCBI API key.
        description: Search results
              type: object
                  type: integer
                  type: integer
                  type: integer
                  type: array
                    type: string
      operationId: getSummary
      summary: Retrieves the summary of literature based on search results.
        - name: db
          in: query
          required: true
            type: string
          description: The database to search (e.g., pubmed).
        - name: id
          in: query
          required: true
            type: string
          description: A comma-separated list of UIDs of the articles.
        - name: retmode
          in: query
          required: false
            type: string
          description: The return mode (e.g., xml, json).
        - name: api_key
          in: query
          required: true
            type: string
          description: Your NCBI API key.
        description: Summary details of the search results
              type: object
                  type: string
                  type: string
                  type: string
                  type: string
                  type: array
                    type: string
                  type: string
                  type: string
                  type: string
                  type: string
      operationId: fetchDetails
      summary: Fetches the details including abstracts for specified UIDs.
        - name: db
          in: query
          required: true
            type: string
          description: The database to search (e.g., pubmed).
        - name: id
          in: query
          required: true
            type: string
          description: A comma-separated list of UIDs of the articles.
        - name: rettype
          in: query
          required: false
            type: string
          description: The return type (e.g., abstract).
        - name: retmode
          in: query
          required: false
            type: string
          description: The return mode (e.g., xml, text).
        - name: api_key
          in: query
          required: true
            type: string
          description: Your NCBI API key.
        description: Detailed information including abstracts
              type: string
・コピペしたスキーマには「Your NCBI API Key.」と書かれている部分(上のボックス内で赤字で示している部分)が3か所あるので,その部分を取得したAPIキーに置き換える

3.GPT「PubMed Researcher」でできること


(1)Clinical Questionに応じたPubMed検索式の生成
Clinical Question(その他の質問でもよいが)を質問すると,その質問に応じて網羅的なPubMed検索式を生成する.網羅的検索ができるように設定しているため,各用語についてできるだけ多くの同義語を検索式に加えるようにしており,感度が高く,特異度が低い検索式となっている.回答の最後に「この検索式でPubMed検索していいか?」と聞かれるので,修正が必要であればそこで修正内容を伝える.
【AI】ChatGPTとAPIを使って網羅的なPubMed検索できるGPT「PubMed Searcher」_e0255123_12375758.png
【AI】ChatGPTとAPIを使って網羅的なPubMed検索できるGPT「PubMed Searcher」_e0255123_12382730.png
■ESummaryは論文タイトル,論文が掲載されているジャーナル・年・巻号・頁の情報を取得できる.このESummaryを使って,(2)でESearchから得た論文のPMIDから論文情報を取得する.ただし,網羅的検索ではかなりの論文数がヒットされる可能性があるため,GPTの回答出力の限界もあることから,論文数が4件以上の場合はAdvanced Data Analysis(旧Code Interpreter)を使って自動的にExcelファイルにまとめるよう設定されている(この件数を変更したい場合は,GPT編集で指示を変更する).Excelファイルに提示される情報は,PMID,PubMedでのその論文Abstractへのリンク,論文タイトルの3つである(ジャーナル名等まで入れると処理しきれずタイムアウトしてしまう).また,ChatGPTの処理の限界から,取得できる論文情報は多くとも200件程度までと考えた方がよい.これ以下に論文数をおさえるなら検索式の特異度を高める必要がある.
【AI】ChatGPTとAPIを使って網羅的なPubMed検索できるGPT「PubMed Searcher」_e0255123_12385102.png

【AI】ChatGPTとAPIを使って網羅的なPubMed検索できるGPT「PubMed Searcher」_e0255123_12430125.png

# by DrMagicianEARL | 2024-05-18 12:44 | 医学・医療とAI
【AI】GoogleのAIであるGemini Advancedに高性能のGemini-1.5Proが搭載_e0255123_17073861.png
■2024年2月8日にリリースされた,Google最強のAIであるGeminiがBardと入れ替わる形で利用可能となったが,機能が不完全で,他のGoogleアプリとの連携も未完成であったこと,その後3月4日にClaude-3がリリースされたことから,Geminiを使用する人は大幅に減ったと思われる.だが,今回,Googleは大規模なアップデートを5月15日にGoogle I/O 2024で発表した.OpenAIが意図的に狙ったのかは不明だが,GPT-4oのリリースを同じ日にかぶせてきたため,Googleの発表は霞んでしまったものの,アップデート内容は必見である.何より,Googleは多数のアプリケーションを有しており,Geminiでこれらとの連携が可能になるのは大きい.


■Geminiには,ハイスペックで,最大で1時間の動画や70万語のテキストを扱える次世代モデル「Gemini-1.5Pro」が存在したが,一部のユーザーしか使用できない限定テストの状態であった.4月9日になってAPI経由であれば誰でも使用できるようになった(逆にWeb版やアプリではまだ利用できなかった).音声を理解する機能(音声翻訳機能はOpenAIによるテストでGPT-4oと同等レベル)やファイルを処理しやすくするAPIが搭載され,さらに開発者がモデルの出力をより詳細に制御できるようにするシステム命令やJSONモードなども搭載された.そして5月15日のアップデートではこのGemini-1.5ProがWeb版およびアプリのGemini Advancedで利用できるようになった.


2.5月15日のGemini Advancedのアップデート内容

(1)Gemini-1.5ProをGemini Advancedに導入
■Gemini-1.5ProがGemini Advancedに導入されたことで,ようやくWeb版やアプリでも使用が可能になった(これによりGemini-1.0Ultraは廃止).Gemini Advancedは有料プランであり,Googleが提供するストレージ(容量)を増やす有料サービスGoogle One(https://one.google.com/about?hl=ja)にアクセスして,AI Premiumプランに登録することで利用可能となる.
【AI】GoogleのAIであるGemini Advancedに高性能のGemini-1.5Proが搭載_e0255123_17164292.png
■料金は月額$20(2900円)であり,GPT-4が利用できるChatGPT Plus会員とほぼ同額であるが,Gemini Advanced利用を含めたGoogle Oneのサービス(クラウドサービスGoogle drive,メールサービスGmail,画像保存サービスGoogle Photoなど)を保存容量を2TBまで大幅に増やして利用できるようになる他,利用者専用の特典を受けられるため,ChatGPT Plusよりお得といえる.また,最初の2ヵ月間は試用期間として無料で利用できる.

■Gemini Advancedでは,最もハイスペックなGemini-1.0Ultraが使用できたが,必ずしもUltraで回答されるわけではなく,無料のGemini Proとの違いが分からない,GPT-4より見劣りする,といった声が聞かれていた.これはGemini-1.0Ultraが日本語対応していないかったため,Googleアカウントの言語設定を英語に設定した上で英語で質問する必要があったからである.このため,日本人には使いづらいものであったが,今回のアップデートではGemini-1.0UltraからGemini-1.5Proに変更されて日本語対応も可能となったことから,以前よりも日本語でのチャット性能が向上している.


■なお,Google AI StudioかVertex AIのwaiting listに登録する必要があるが,コンテキストウィンドウをさらに倍の200万トークンに増やすことも可能である.

【AI】GoogleのAIであるGemini Advancedに高性能のGemini-1.5Proが搭載_e0255123_17133471.png



(6)数カ月以内にGemini Live搭載へ
■今回のアップデートでは未搭載であるが,Gemini Advancedユーザー向けの音声会話機能「Gemini Live」が数ヵ月以内に公開されるとのことである.また,2024年後半にはGemini Live使用時にカメラを利用できるようにする予定とのことである.


iOS版(App Store)
アンドロイド版(Google Play)

# by DrMagicianEARL | 2024-05-16 17:39 | 医学・医療とAI

by DrMagicianEARL